Saturday, February 06, 2010

~ They Nailed It ~

No photos this time, but I just had to share that my son Mikey is involved in competitive cheer leading. We used to tease him about it until we saw what was actually involved with being a male cheerleader. It has nothing to do with rahs rahs and pom poms. It's incredibly difficult, dangerous, and athletic. But I have to admit that in all the roles I ever imagined I'd play as the mother of boys, Cheer Mom was never on the list!

Anyway, this weekend we're in Atlanta, GA for the CheerSport National Finals. Mikey's team (Pacific Coast Cheer - Mysterious) already won the California State Championship, and now they've got their eye on Nationals, and are hoping for to qualify for the Worlds in Florida.

A little while ago they did the first of two rounds and THEY NAILED IT! It was an amazing performance, and of course being the mom I am, I was in the back screaming my lungs out with tears pouring down my face.

I just love it when things come together, don't you? Now let's keep our fingers crossed for tomorrow and round two. With a lot of skill, a little luck, and the good Lord's blessing we'll be heading to Florida soon.

~ Jody ~

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