Saturday, August 09, 2008

~ Shutterbug ~

Last year I was interviewed for a feature story in Shutterbug Magazine. It took so long for the article to come out that I had just about given up on it. But a couple days ago I started getting emails from people all over the country telling me that they enjoyed reading the article about me. The emails were filled with various questions, but the question I was asked the most was if it was really true that I got started in photography by taking photos of my son (yes it's true, by the way).

So I decided to head out to the store and pick up the September issue of Shutterbug. I was quite pleased (and a little taken back) to see myself staring back at me from page 126. To be perfectly honest, I started giggling right there in the grocery store while other shoppers look at me as if I'd lost my mind.

I also noticed that an image of mine was used for an ad in the same issue. I can only hope that this is just the beginning of more wonderful things to come for my camera and me.

~ Jody ~


Joetx said...

I read the article in Shutterbug about you and your love for photography. Inspiring. I too love it and hope one day I can get published, it would be one of the greatests things to happen to me.
I have a question about something in the article that they did not mention. In it you mention about selling your photos you photos online, but it was never mentioned where. Would you be able to let me know where? I would like to do that with some of my fotos and see if they are worthy of being sold.
You can answer here or if you would like you can email me at
Thanks for your time and again for a great article in Shutterbug. Take care.

Joe Hinojosa

Lauri said...

Hi Jody-I just got my first issue of Shutterbug yesterday and read the article about you,which is very inspiring to me. I started out just like you, taking pictures of my kids with a 'point and shoot' and finally got my "grown up camera" about 2 years ago. I've been playing with it ever since and would get a good shot every once in a while, but in the last couple of months they have gotten better and better.

Anyway, I came here for the same reason as joetx...hmmm, are you in Texas, Joe? I'm in San Antonio. of my photos was picked by to be in their review of San Antonio, so now I'm wondering if I can really actually sell some others, and I would really like to know what service you use! I looked at a couple online last night, but, I don't think they are the right ones.

I would TRULY appreciate it if you would let me know. You can email me at artsmith_satx at


Jodyisms said...

For anyone who is interested, I use Exposure Manager for my online sales. You can try them out for two weeks free by clicking through my referral link:



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