Tuesday, February 05, 2008

~ Where Is The Love? ~

I can only shake my head about this one. I received that email about Barack Obama that's been floating around claiming he's is a radical Muslim, and all kinds of crazy stuff. Being one to do my research before passing something like this on, I checked into the facts and learned that they are lies and rumors and not factual at all. So I "replied to all" and stated the following:

"This is NOT true. No matter our personal beliefs or political affiliations, it's important that we make sure we're not spreading lies and rumors. A quick internet search proves this is just a rumor."

I included three links that proved the rumors wrong and left it at that. No political statement or affiliation, just a plea to not spread lies. I would have done the same regardless of which candidate was the subject of the vicious email, because most people blindly accept whatever they read as fact, and I believe it's wrong and dangerous to let things like this continue unchecked when they are false.

I received an email back from a lady that said she didn't know me, she didn't send me an email, she answers to Jesus, and I need to read my Bible.

So I responded back (quite nicely I might add) with the following: "Ms. Mc******, I'm sorry if I upset you because you are correct in that you do not know me. This email actually originated from *** *****, who sent it to ***** ****, who sent it to *** ****, who sent it to me. I included everyone whose email was listed when I responded. The point of my response is no matter how we feel about a politician or what we personally believe, we should not forward lies and rumors as fact. In fact the 9th Commandment tells us not to bear false witness, and spreading something that is not true is bearing false witness. Like you, I answer to Jesus Christ. I am very familiar with the Bible, so thank you for reminding me to read it. Is there a particular passage you would like to share with me?"

She sent me this today: "Read John 8:32. Also, this is the link to the American Family Association voter guide. I did not start this correspondence with you and I would like for it to end now. God bless you. Mrs. Mc******"

I'm not going to reply because reasoning with her will obviously be a waste my time. But a little research on the American Family Association website is an eye opener. Talk about radicals! Wow! I am pro God, pro family, pro just about anything that is morally and ethically right, but these guys are way over the top in my opinion. As far as I can tell, their website spreads more hatred, judgment, and bigotry than God's word. Maybe I'm the one who is confused, but the last time I checked, God told us to love one another, and I know loving and condemning don't go hand in hand.

The American Family Association website has their own news site. Since I am of Creek Indian descent and have been researching my history lately, an article titled Republican senator calls for official apology to Native Americans piqued my interest. Click on the link, read the article, and then read the comments, and the reason for my concern about this group and people associated with it will become obvious.

I love irony, and I can't help but appreciate the irony of this lady telling me to read John 8:32 ("Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free), when this whole thing started because of lies and rumors.

I guess the only thing I can do is to quote Roberta Flack when she asked, "Where Is The Love?"

~ Jody ~

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