Over the holidays a sales rep came into my office and called out "Happy Holidays!" I replied with "Merry Christmas!" and he remarked that although he'd love to be able to say that to me, company policy forbade him to do so because it's considered politically incorrect. I'm sorry, but that's got to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Since I believe in God, at Christmas I say "Merry Christmas". If I say that to someone who does not have the same beliefs, why do they have to be offended? Why can't they just say thank you and then tell me what they believe in? I wouldn't be offended if someone said "Happy Hannukah", "Happy Ramadan", or "Happy Kwanzaa". I would simply say thank you. I might even ask a few questions about their celebration if I don't know anything about it, and if they want to hear what I believe in, I would happily share. One of the best and most enlightening conversations I ever had in my life (and one I'll never forget) was with an Islamic floor salesman about our respective religions. It was fascinating and so nice to learn about each other's beliefs, and it wasn't threatening to either of us. We were just two people sitting in a store talking, and we enjoyed our conversation so much that two hours passed before we realized it. The only consequence of our conversation that day was that we both walked away with a better understanding of someone different than us.
So what's the big deal? What makes us so special that others can't give us a greeting other than "Happy Holidays" because it will offend us if we believe something different? What ever happened to just saying "Thank you" and taking the comment for what it really was - someone sending along holiday cheer. When did we get to the point that having a different opinion was an offense? Imagine how nice life would be if people who believe differently from one another would talk about them in a rational manner.
I believe that being politically correct to the point that you can not express yourself the way you choose without offending someone is a disgrace and a dishonor to all the brave souls who died for our right to speak out. I chose not to be politically correct. I choose to speak my mind, and the only restraint on my mouth is respect for those around me. I would never say something inflammatory to anyone on purpose, but if my opinion offended anyone and they mentioned it to me, I would apologize for hurting their feelings. Maybe it would lead to a dialog and my mind (or theirs) would be changed. I like to think others would have the same respect for me as well. However there have been times when people made comments in front of me that have deeply offended me. The way I handle those situations is to exercise my power to remove myself from the situation. If I felt it was appropriate to speak up about the offensive comment, then I would, but I would do it as respectfully and non agressively as possible. What makes me so special that that person has to stop expressing themselves however they see fit just because it offends me? They have the right to say whatever they choose, and I have the right to be offended by it. But I do not have the right to make them stop speaking for my benefit, because they are just as important as I am.
I also choose not to be tolerant of other's behavior that I find offensive or vulgar. The definition of tolerance is "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own." Permissive attitude? Wow! So, I am supposed to stand by and allow others to do whatever they want in front of me and my children (no matter how vulgar and offensive) and not disagree with their actions because I am being prejudiced if I do? If that's the case, how are we supposed to raise our children with any type of moral character or belief system at all? You know what? I don't have to be tolerant of anything I don't believe in. I have my own mind, my own thoughts, and my own morals. If that offends anyone, they're welcome to walk away.
Why is it so hard to hate the sin and love the sinner? Why can't we have people in our lives who we love dearly but disagree with on certain things? Why can't we agree to disagree and get on with our relationships? I know these are all unanswerable questions, and this is just a rant. But we all need to lighten up...myself included. If we let children be children, respect each other, and let people express themselves, maybe our collective frustration will subside and we can all get along.
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