Friday, April 11, 2008

~ You Just Never Know ~

I belong to which is a website for professional photographers. A couple days ago I read this thread about the notorious reflection in Dick Cheney's sunglasses. I posted the following in response to one of my fellow SportsShooter member's request that one of the "girls" should chime in.

Murrieta | CA | USA | Posted: 1:39 AM on 04.09.08
->> At first glance, I thought it was a naked woman as well. However after close study and a second opinion, I have to agree with Jon Blacker - I believe it's his arm.

I also tried to determine how he could have his arm reflected in his left eye glass and a profile of a guy smoking a cigar in his right eye glass, when I realized that what I thought was the profile of a guy smoking a cigar is really the outline of his cheek in combination with his arm."

Apparently Mr. Cheney's reflection is a big deal, and I had a good laugh when I learned my silly little quote was picked up by the wires and ran in several articles this morning.

So imagine my shock at receiving a phone call from Lisa Nelson, Producer, at MSNBC. Lisa wanted to know if correspondent, Alex Witt could interview me this afternoon about my opinion regarding the reflection in Dick Cheney's sunglasses. Lisa said they appreciate my participation and would give my website a little plug.

I imagined that the plug Alex Witt would give would be a token mention of my site, but I was floored when I watched the clip and saw that not only did MSNBC mention my site, but they showed my front page twice and posted my site address on the screen.

It just goes to show that you never know who reads the things you write on a message board. I can only hope that this will open a few doors for me.

~ Jody ~

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